Page 6 - ccvf 2016
P. 6


Evaluation Group

CCfV’s Evaluation Group explores the field of                        Another ongoing trial of note is the maternal immunization study, which
effectiveness of vaccines through clinical trials, and their         seeks to discover whether Tdap (an adult formulation of a combination
effects on disease burden.                                           vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) is safe and effective in
                                                                     pregnant women. 680 pregnant women will take part in the study, 70

This past year the group ran several exciting clinical trials, including a of whom will enroll at CCfV. CCfV is also leading a Phase 1 (first in

multi-site study to determine if an accelerated meningococcal B vaccine human) multi-site trial designed to test the safety and effectiveness

schedule during university outbreaks of meningitis is immunogenic, of a potential vaccine being developed for Cytomegalovirus (CMV),

safe, and tolerable. It is hoped that the study’s outcome will help  a common virus that is cause for concern in certain populations.

increase capacity for rapid outbreak control. Results are pending.   Enrollment targets have been met and study activities are in full swing.

4 Canadian Center for Vaccinology
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